Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Outline of the Tamaduino Project

As the portmanteau suggests, I'm setting out to create a Tamagotchi inspired, Arduino powered device. I'm going to lay out what I have in mind so far to help me conclude the next steps more clearly.

  • senses sound, light, temperature, vibration/movement, being handled
  • responds to environment with light, sound, vibration, other actuators
  • rechargeable battery and a solar panel
  • AI like software that interacts with its environment to optimize care-taking 

Design Goals:
  • create a device with a survival instinct
  • abstract bio-mimicry throughout the device
  • bottom-up design approach
  • AI being shaped by and engaging in operand conditioning

Frankly, I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm in way over my head. But since I don't care, here's my preliminary TODO list to help guide me through the next few steps:
  1. Create provisional block diagram
  2. Draft a preliminary design for the most fundamental block
  3. Source the necessary hardware
  4. Build, test, improve the block
  5. Modify provisional block diagram
  6. Draft preliminary design for the next most fundamental block
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 until project complete
