- senses sound, light, temperature, vibration/movement, being handled
- responds to environment with light, sound, vibration, other actuators
- rechargeable battery and a solar panel
- AI like software that interacts with its environment to optimize care-taking
Design Goals:
- create a device with a survival instinct
- abstract bio-mimicry throughout the device
- bottom-up design approach
- AI being shaped by and engaging in operand conditioning
Frankly, I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm in way over my head. But since I don't care, here's my preliminary TODO list to help guide me through the next few steps:
- Create provisional block diagram
- Draft a preliminary design for the most fundamental block
- Source the necessary hardware
- Build, test, improve the block
- Modify provisional block diagram
- Draft preliminary design for the next most fundamental block
- Repeat steps 3 to 6 until project complete